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Paris, France

France is one of the most famous countries in Europe, and Paris is probably the most famous city in the world. Paris is rightfully called "the city of light". It is not because of its extensive illumination — otherwise any major city would claim the title — but because the capital of France has been a center of education, arts and philosophy for many centuries.

The word "Paris" originated from Latin "Civitas Parisiorum" and means "the city of Parisia", a Celtic settlement on Cite Island (Ile de la Cité). Today Ile de la Cité is one of two existing islands on Siene River located right in the historical center of the French capital. The island has been populated since ancient times, so this is when Parisian history has really begun.

Louvre, Paris

Paris has not always been the magnificent city. In Medieval times Ccity of Kiev played much more important role than Paris. For example, in XI century, Anna Yaroslavna (daughter of Yaroslav the Wise) married King of France and was greatly disappointed by the city. XIII century was a prime time for Paris, which continued up till modern days. This is the reason why there are so many famous attractions in Paris: Notre Dame de Paris, Louvre, Champs-Élysées, Moulin Rouge, La Défense district, Centre Pompidou, Eifel Tower, the Pont Alexandre III, the Grand Palace, Nursing Home Cathedral, the Tuileries Garden, Musée d'Orsay, Place de la Concorde, Opera House, Basilique du Sacré-Cœur, and many more. All these landmarks decorate the capital of France making it one of a kind.

Basilique du Sacré-Cœur

Each Paris landmark has its own story that would take pages and pages! So let us tell you a few amusing facts instead. For example, Moulin Rouge is not only the famous classical cabaret and one of the must-see places in Paris. It is also a place where they performed striptease dance for the first time in world history. Before the incident in 1894 showgirls danced fully clothed.

Mouline Rouge

Notre Dame de Paris is another example. The reason for its gigantic size (35m high, 130m long, and 48m wide) was the idea to fit all citizens of Paris inside the Cathedral. However, the construction took one and half centuries, and so by the time they put a finishing touch to interior decoration, the population of Paris grew considerably making the original idea irrelevant. Nevertheless it doesn't stop Notre Dame de Paris from being geographical and spiritual heart of Paris.

Notre Dame de Paris

Louvre is one of the largest museums in the world. It is located in the old King's Palace, which, in turn, was built as a castle capable of withstanding Viking's attacks. Famous Champs-Élysées in Paris have nothing to do with fields. This is a huge (1915m long and 70m wide) street. Back in XVI century it was a swamp, where French kings went hunting ducks. Champs-Élysées got its name during French Revolution. In Greek mythology "Champs Élysées" were beautiful fields on the bank of Ocean River, where loved-by-Gods heroes went at the end of their glorious lives. The only thing that "beautifies" Champs Élysées today is a string of luxury boutiques and entertainment places. Also, one more Paris landmark is located here — Arc de Triomphe, built in Roman style. The Arch symbolizes the victory of great army of Napoleon I.

Arc de Triomphe

By the way, modern city of Paris was designed for war or, to be exact, for its "strategic purposes", as Napoleon III put it. This is why in the middle of XIX century the city's layout was altered to serve the purpose: being "ready for battle and beautiful" at the same time. As a result, many charming narrow Parisian streets were widened and straightened, remaining this way up till now.

La Defance

"Paris is a holiday, which is always with you!" — these poetical words belong to Ernest Hemingway, famous American novelist. Probably everybody would agree with these words, no matter if one visited Paris or not. Paris is a symbol of romance and a cradle of European culture. From childhood we learn about the city from movies; from books by Victor Hugo, Alexandre Dumas and George Simenon; and from history lessons: Napoleon, taking of the Bastille, the Paris Commune... There is no tourist, who would not dream of walking the legendary streets and taking home a picture of Eifel Tower...

Eiffel Tower

We invite you to look at the capital of France from the bird's eye view. Perhaps, it will add something new to your own impression of Paris.

Photography by Stanislav Sedov and Dmitry Moiseenko

4 October 2012

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Add your review about "Paris, France"

Hi it was very fun trip there loved it very much

Barbra Stone, United Kingdom

It was fun i like it very much

Bob Boblm, Australia

La dulzura del sueño.
other version

Cuando el canto
de las luces
se dispersa en
la campaña siento
un mágico sonido
que se expande
regalando la
tristeza y una
tímida ilusión...

Francesco Sinibaldi

Francesco Sinibaldi, Italy

Someday that cloud...
third version

A charmed little
birdie stops on
the hill observing
the forest and the
beautiful landscape:
sometimes, in my
fantasy, while a
fleeting belief
reappears in my
mind recalling the
youth and the
luminous splendour
of her pretty blue

Francesco Sinibaldi

Francesco Sinibaldi, Italy

Una emoción perpetua.
third version

Siento el mágico
canto que viene de
lejos donando la luz
de una efímera
calma: después de
la tarde intenso
y constante regresa
el sonido del viento
impetuoso que
mueve las hojas
dejando en los
campos la nueva
tristeza del silencio

Francesco Sinibaldi

Francesco Sinibaldi, Italy

It was beautiful. Even being on the tower was an amazing sight despite the rusting metal and overcrowding. Je voudrais voyager en france! It truly is a beautiful place.

malacai shull, France

Amo Paris,é um lugar apaixonante, me sinto dentro de meu sonho quando estou lá.
Lindíssimo trabalho, parabéns!

Marilda Jesus, Brazil

Le sourire et le conte du cœur.
last version

Quand les
ombres de la
nuit reviennent
sur les roses
pour donner une
chanson le tendre
soupir minvite
à comprendre le
chant de la mort
et alors le sourire
devient le portrait
dun sonnet douloureux:
jécoute le silence
qui pénètre dans
le vide, jessaie de
fuir en cherchant
lharmonie dans la
lueur des étoiles...

Francesco Sinibaldi

Francesco Sinibaldi, Italy

With a martin...
last version

Like an elegant
melody a luminous
smile reappears
in your eyes giving
the whisper of a
magical moment:
and so, little darling,
while the sunshine
is beaming and
a fortunate sparrow
returns in the
garden, a tender
happiness revives
on a fine rose.

Francesco Sinibaldi

Francesco Sinibaldi, Italy

En el canto.
other version

Cuando viene
una sombra
invocando el
candor de la noche
estrellada siento
un llanto y una
rima avanzar en
el sueño de la
tierna poesía.

Francesco Sinibaldi

Francesco Sinibaldi, Italy

En el canto.
last version

Cuando viene
una sombra
invocando el
candor de la noche
estrellada siento
un llanto y una
rima avanzar
suavemente en
el sueño encantado
de una tierna
poesía: la emoción
reaparece, un eterno
sonido se difunde
en el viento regalando
la gracia de la nueva

Francesco Sinibaldi

Francesco Sinibaldi, Italy

In the part of a melody...

Near a small
oak a fine bird
is singing, and
this melody,
with a little
desire, arrives
in the darkness
to cover a feeling...

Francesco Sinibaldi

Francesco Sinibaldi, Italy

Now,my best friends are #9700Liang Chanyue,Zhou Xuan,Wang Yijie and Wang Kexin.#9698

Zhang Meng, China

Thank you for this trip to the City of Light,the city where walked my favorite writer Alexandre Dumas!!Thank you Airpano!!!Greetings from Greece!!

Gal Gr, Greece

Videli sme ve#318a fotografie ale tie Va#353e to je super.#270akujeme V#225m za prekr#225sny z#225#382itok pri pozeran#237 Va#353ich fotografi#237.Prajeme V#225m v roku 2016 ve#318a zdravia #353#357astia a mnoho #250spechov vo Va#353ej kr#225snej pr#225ci.J#250lius a Katar#237na Ki#353idayovi z Ko#353#237c

J#250lius Ki#353iday, Slovakia

Parab#233ns pelas fotos lindo trabalho.Retrata bem os lugares maravilhosos de Paris.

Fabio Teodoro, Brazil

It was very beautiful and interesting

mohammad tavakoli, Iran

I had been already so many times to Paris. This time we'll go with my 9 years old doughter to help her with her geography class. The work is wonderful it gave us as we were there.
Thanks AirPano crew for their graet achievments.

Hakki Surel, Turkey

not good

gojo ompopa, Zimbabwe

i saw everything in paris through aerial panorama paris is excellent really...

sandesh mukharji, India

Paris cidade luz sempre um charme simplismente maravilhosa um encanto para os olhos .Um deslumbre conhec#234-la e querer voltar sempre para aproveitar toda essa beleza.Viva a Fran#231a.

Beth Martins, Brazil

Amazing site! Very useful for my Geography classes.

Sarita Orellana, Ecuador


Yvon Simon, Belgium

love paris, you work is exellent.

victor vazquez, USA

Recibe este lindo mensaje

Maria Teresa Maluenda Sangüesa, Chile

Super ??? bardzo mi się podoba.

Lech Adam, Poland

es lo mas bello que he visto en mi visa

carolina herrera, Cambodia

it's very interesting... very nice

Dileep TV, India

Velmi krásné

Marie Ješátková, Czech Republic

el trabajo es impresionante es como estar en la ciudad estando tan lejos pero se siente tan cerca felicitaciones y talvez adelante pudiesemos ver versailles

Carlos Enrique Estrada Rouanet, Guatemala

absolutely fantastic!

stan brown, Peru

hi - i am hamed from hamedan city IRAN(persian)
your virtual tour with amazing photo is the best exprience for me - i am photograph in iran -
i love it panorama -

hamed azimi, Iran

wow photo!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fernando aleppo, Syrian Arab Republic

beautiful places,, I love it a lot. I wanna go there.

Umi Fathonah, Indonesia

Thank you for reviving my memories of Paris. It is a magnificent city, and fantastic presentation. Thanks

Cuqui Garcia Alvarez, USA

Thank you! Hope that you'll like another our panoramas.

Varvara, AirPano


chen mu, China


车可 杨, China


海经 山, China

"its awesome i want to visit there once in my life time"

Mani Shanker, India

Formidable la presentación aérea. Alguna vez recorrí a pie por aquellas calles, plazas, boulevares, galerías, museos y ahora, desde un "helicóptero" de Internet, vuelvo a recorrerla, con la nostalgía de lo vivído......

Edgar Salazar-Cano

Edgar Daniel Salazar Cano, Venezuela


Eduardo Luis APREA GARCIA, Argentina

Awesome....! :)

Alexander Swan, Myanmar


ould-hocine saadi, Algeria

Excelent! Fabelhaft! Wünsche mir noch mehr!

Georg Göstl, Austria

La France est un peys beau, c est magnifique!

Romana Sitarova, Czech Republic

superb ..... nu exista cuvinte de a spune cum m-am simtit cand am vizionat filmele , planeta noastra in care suntem si noi niste puncte miscatoare

roxana mioara, Romania

I like it :)

shima mokhtari, Iran

Just brilliant!!! Speechless

Adi Ivanova, Bulgaria

this is so little.and it do not have good quality.not bad:(

bikarane ***, Iran


Helena Quander, Switzerland

Paris é uma cidade linda! Mas na visão aérea panorâmica fica ainda muito mais linda!!! Belíssimo trabalho fotográfico!

Antonio Campoi, Brazil

Amazing...you're making me want to go back so bad but I love the images. Thanks for sharing this!

Eduardo Andr, Australia

Thx a lot!

Jimmy Lee, China

This is the best imaging I have ever seen! It puts a whole new perspective on the way we view and appreciate the world around us, and I love it. I have only viewed one and can't wait to spend time exploring the rest. Well done on producing such an excellent series of jaw dropping panoramas. Amazing.

Khrum Syed, United Kingdom

Many thanks for your comment, Khrum! It means a lot for us.

Varvara, AirPano

kewl awwsome

bob bobby, Iraq

Překrásné - BRAVO

Jana Majerová, Czech Republic

What a good job. I have the incredible chance to live in this amazing city. I agree, it's the most beautiful city in the world as you can see and as you show us. All the country is fabulous. It's the first time on your site : Pano of Versailles and french riviera? I hope...

TOF Tofdeparis, France

hi to all.am a student in Iran .my field is natural Geography in university.this site is very interesting for me.but some image was not enough resouloution.thanks to you who prepare this 3Dimage for us.

Elham GH, Iran

extraordinaire .fantastique .incroyable

Daligault Andrée Daligault Marilyn, France

excellent work , and its very impressive i love it .

Qusai ALKHATIB, Jordan


Marie Zairi, Greece

Magiczne fotosy.Privet!

Jan Mozejko, Poland


yousef darvish, Iran

this is veri biutiful thank yuo airpano

kamel jelvedeh, Iran

very goooooooood

ali azad, Iran

una maravilla, gracias por hacerme conocer tanto, que de otra manera no podria hacerlo.Mil gracias!!!

ileana edye, Egypt

You show me everything @ free of cost. :)

kiran kompella, India


Paulo Rattes, Brazil

ville de Versailles et faculté de versailles

mokhtar chahid, Morocco

Very interesting and exciting

hadis ramezankhani, Iran

verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry verrrrrrrrrrrrrry nice

Ali Heidari, Iran



it is very wonderful .Paris is very fun .thank you ma dear.

delnia... khezraqa, Iran


shahla mokaramian, Iran

very very good..

REZA sedighi, Iran

thank you
wery good

milad jalil, Iran

It's very imazing places

osama faisel, Iraq


florenta hagi-mihale, Italy


saeed naji, Iran

outstanding as always

imme b, Pakistan

Great work!!

Moss Mphahlele, South Africa

Outstanding, once again. The usual sites, such as the Eiffel Tower, Arch de Triomphe are beautiful but so many other beautiful areas brings to mind as to why Paris, France is called the most romantic and beautiful city in the world. Your music selection, Follies-Love is Blue-Love Stories-Paris, again is remarkably listenable as "we" tour Paris through your fantastic 360 AirPano Panoramic pictures. Well done!.

Ed Nelson, USA

Absolutely awesome! It is a 7-star presentation, if I can rate it more than the highest mark 5. God bless all of you out there who are doing such a wonderful job and bringing joy into the lives of so many people, especially to those who cannot go out and travel either due to financial constraints or old age. Thanks again and all the very best to all of you. :)

Fren Bill, India


Jan Ski, Poland

Your work is amazing, it contributes it's share to bring world's people closer together.

Dan Adler, Israel

Thankyou for making my Sunday morning with a tour of Paris. Absolutely awe inspiring. Well done. Keep up the magnificent work.

samantha Lopez, Australia

Thant a lot. The best.

Daniel Garcia Rusca, Argentina

Felicitaciones, su proyecciòn es muy bonita, en diferentes panoramicas abarca todo Paris. Serìa bueno exponer las areas verdes, rios, montañas y otras area de Francia. Gracias, viajar es cultura, pero cuando no se puede se conoce y aprende a traves de esta proyecciones. Saludos cordiales.
Congratulations, his proyecciòn is very nice, in different panoramic it includes the whole Paris. Serious good to exhibit the green areas, rivers, mountains and others area of France. Thank you, to travel is a culture, but when it cannot projections are known and learned across this one. Cordial greetings.

Gustavo Oliva, Guatemala

We visited Paris last month. It was a good visit. Weather was nice. We enjoyed the city. Your presentation is beautiful. V.P.Velu

V Veluswamy MD, USA

It's incredible magic!

gas mel, USA

AirPano brings me to places I may not be able to visit or even if I am there, I may not be able to see it up in the air to see the rooftops of buildings or mountains... a different perspective indeed.

Sereynita Altarejos, USA

I've never seen Paris like this before ! very nice job, bravo !

Eric Malherbe, France

Another magnificent work, congratulations

Juan Quiles, Spain


homayoon memari, United Kingdom