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Day view of Manhattan, New York, USA


In 2006 I shot our very first spherical aerial panorama, from which the AirPano project started, in the beautiful place of the Colorado and the San Juan rivers confluence (USA):

The result was overwhelming – by looking at the large screen one had a total illusion of flying over the canyon. And so we decided to continue our experiments.

The next attempt was made in 2007 above the island of Manhattan. I remember this photo shoot by one funny detail: there were no headphones for passengers in the helicopter's cabin. I had to shout from the back seat (while trying to overcome the engine roar that was coming from the open door) to let the pilot know where to go. He didn't hear me anyway, so in order to change the shooting position I had to tap on his shoulder and then – after he looked at me – I had to point the direction with my finger where the thumb down meant moving lower. And guess how I showed him to go higher :) It was fun.

Manhattan after storm

After that incident, when hiring a helicopter I always ask: Do you have passenger headphones in the cabin?
And pilots are always surprised: But of course! Is it possible not to have them?
Yes, it is possible,— I answer — In New York :)

Despite of all the difficulties, this photo shoot was accomplished, delivering world's first virtual photo tour above Manhattan.

There were many more flights after this one, and many like-minded people joined AirPano project in the process. As of today we shot around 100 spherical panoramas of the most interesting and beautiful places in all the continents of our planet. Except for Antarctica. We also made virtual photo tours over the world's most beautiful cities.

In 2011 we returned to New York to once again photograph Manhattan: this time making it much better technically and artistically. Enjoy the daytime aerial panoramas of Manhattan now. The evening flight over Manhattan and the large photographic virtual tour will be published in the nearest future.



New York is the most famous city of the USA, and Manhattan is the most famous part of New York. It all started 400 years ago when the most famous and profitable in human history real estate deal was made: the Native Americans sold this 'not so useful' piece of land to Europeans for 24 dollars.

Since that time the island has changed dramatically. For 24 dollars one can probably buy a ticket to the Empire State Building.

Present day Manhattan is the most populated island on Earth. The land itself costs about 40 billion US dollars, and the cost of the entire Manhattan, including its real estate, reaches over 3 trillion US dollars.

Brooklyn bridge and Manhattan bridge

This remarkable part of New York City is best to be discovered on foot – not only because of the infamous New York traffic or cost of parking in New York. There is a joke in New York that only wasteful people can afford driving in New York, because the time one spends on finding a parking spot sometimes equals the time it takes to drive from one side of Manhattan to another.

New York is known to be a financial capital of the world, and the island of Manhattan is where all the banks, offices, largest insurance companies and corporations are located – literally one on top of another. Basically the rest of New York, and eventually, the rest of the United States, work for Manhattan, making sure that this gigantic «city inside of the city» continues its mission – processing the wealth of the whole world.

Besides a large number of museums, almost every building in Manhattan has a historical value. Old buildings harmoniously coexist with the best examples of the modern architecture. Most famous New York attractions are located in Manhattan, including Empire State Building mentioned above, Central Park and Times Square. There is also colorful China Town and bright Broadway – they are all located on this island. It is a shame not to bring a photo of Manhattan from your trip to New York!

We also made our modest Manhattan photo album. These panoramas were photographed in the summer of 2011.

Text by Oleg Gaponyuk, photography by Dmitry Moiseenko

17 April 2012

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Add your review about "Day view of Manhattan, New York, USA"

thank you very good work

oussama hocine, Algeria

wow one of the best city in the world

wow wew, Algeria

I’d have to check with you here. Which is not something I usually do! I enjoy reading a post that will make people think. Also, thanks for allowing me to comment!

imran ullah, Canada

nice article thanx for share with us. keep it up

rohan jain, India

I just moved to Tampa, FL from NYC. Lived there for 22 years. I absolutely love this. I got to see my building from Columbus Circle. Thank you for this.

Stephanie Namias, USA

Copied from SimCity 2000.


Wow:!!!its just amazing


excellent!!! this is indeed a paradice on Earth,
thank you for the wonderful work of bringing the beuty of the world to the eyes of those of us who cannot afford the cost of travelling to those places. once againg thank you very much. keep up the good work. God bless you.



Janine Wright, USA

Es sensacional nunca me imagine que esto se pudiera hace, gracias por abrir una ventana al mundo,sobre todo a aquellos que no tienen posibilidades economicas para hacerlo.

Antonio Segovia Martinez, Spain

Your website is just... AMAZING. Now I traveled all over the world :) because of you ! thank you so much for this wonderful website. I've never thought it could exist. I'm speechless... it's incredible ! You made my day!

Love from Switzerland

Fab Nov, Switzerland

WOW!!! I live in nyc but I had NEVER seen it quite like that...OUTSTANDING!

cristina siegel, USA

Just like Roman Empire... Sad

Henry Gerb, American Samoa

milyen tekercset füztek be

Tenenbaum Janos, Romania

hányingerem van

Takács Tamás, Hungary


zsolt balint, Hungary

Wow!!! This is amazing! I have 31 years old, and since that was a little boy i always wish to know NY. I love this city, but unfortunately until today i never knew it. But until this not happens, i'm travelling with this wonderful view in all angles of this majestic city!!! Thank you for all the hard work!!!

Rafael Moreira, Brazil

OooooMG...unbelievable!!! Amaaaazing! My dream is realized... here I am. :)

Szilvia Nagy, Hungary

I‘m feeling in New York City!

Paulo Henrique, Brazil

OMG!, Amazinggggggggg job!.

Bruno Santos, Brazil

O trabalho esta incrivel...
nunca vi coisa igual...

Ana Oliveira, Brazil

I have the strong sensation that this panorama was made from many screenshots of google heart view stiched together. I personnaly see some 3D buildings and the lack of atmosphere is also something I noticed.

It's quite well done anyway.

top megacool, France

Dear top megacool,
You can try to do something similar using Google. You'll meet some problems. So, fortunately we held copyright for all our panoramas.


Just can be silent and admire your great gob by absolute silence. It's awesome with no doubt. I really can't help admiring your great job. Well done!

Yar Mohd Honarmand, Iran

Very well done liked it a lot

Tim Riley, USA

Never in my life seen such photography work!
Bless you! Dalia Hershfinkel - ISRAEL

Dalia Hershfinkel, Israel

Thank you for amazing views of the world! This is a great way for people to make bigger "bucket lists" come true!

Luke Owens, USA

Extraordinary! I was able to spot the hotel where my wife and I celebrated her 34th birthday. Thank you for a second visit to a wonderful city!

Michael Jay McCann, USA

a thing which i always dreamed out to imagin the bird eye views one of beautifull and extra ordinary cities and places of our world which is made possible by your this blessing type task.well done whoever you are the creater.music behind make it more spirtual and closing touching the felngs like its all your...

muhammad zahid, Pakistan

Thanks for sharing. Continue with this wonderful work.

Honeida Packeer, Sri Lanka

These are breathtaking and mind boggling! What a wonderful gift you've given the world.

George Downing, USA

there are wanderfoul place in iran

reza s, Iran

No one could have done a better job. Keep up the site as I love it!

Ed Elli, USA

I have lived in New York City, San Francisco, Hong Kong, and now Las Vegas. You have made each city clearer and more informative than even a "local" person an do.
Thank you.

William F Hoover, USA

It is amazing, I have flown with an Helicopter over Manhattan several times and the view was not as good as yours.

Albert Casanova, Germany

I was in New York last summer but of course this is a new dimension. Thanks for the wonderful tour of this larger than life city.

elena armada, Spain

My husband visited relatives as a child but I had never been until our son graduated Stevens Institute. We spent a day in the city and have photos from the World Trade Center which I cherish. He said everyone should experience a taxi ride in NYC and he was right! Thanks for the memories.

Pat Tolsma, USA


norma iuvone, Argentina

nunca pensei que um dia poderia viajar.obrigada você
me proporcionou uma oportunidade unica,que a proposito muitos como eu poderão viajar também e conhecer o mundo.

celina belobenoti, Brazil

It's beautiful! What a great accomplishment. It beats my postcard images that I collect by far. The music is a nice touch :)

Monique Reyes, USA

Amazing, congratulations!

Florin Boronea, Romania

Never seen anything like this before !!! More than Excellent !Congratulations all of you!!!Generally I abhor forwards, but l'm thankful to the one who sent it to me and l'll forward too! Pushpa Siriwardene

pushpa Siriwardene, Australia

I was there in April 2012 and walked around Manhattan for two full days. I fully agree that it is nothing like walking around. The photographs are driving me crazy, nostalgia developed for revisiting. Thanks. Iwill once again visit and take more directions from this. Bye

G.A Sabri, Pakistan

well impressed,loved new york as i visited several times when i worked for pan am.

colin purdey, United Kingdom

I cried, this brought back so many wonderful memories... There's a small chance I'm actually in one of these panoramas with my girlfriend, somewhere...

What day were the individual panoramas taken, so I can perhaps find myself? Thank you :)

Max Damage, Hungary

Hello, Max! Thank you for your message. FYI, the first day (cloudy) was on March 01, 2010 from 16:20 till 17:40, the second one (sunny) was on March 02, 2010 from 15:40 till 16:50. Good luck!

Varvara, AirPano

Abs amazing just visited in April 2012, but had not realized till such time i saw your amazing video what a city it is.
love you tons for sharing it.

Dr. Parul Bhatnagar, India

Absolutely incredible. Thanks for another way for everyone to see the natural and man made beauty of this world we are blessed to live on

Richard Thuss, USA

lovely....good job. really make my day. Cheers

Daewid Thu, Malaysia

superb ... i really enjoyed watching it ...
its so soothing ....

varun bali, India

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!


Gracias muchachos por su magnifico trabajo,y dar al mundo a conocer las maravillas creadas por Dios,para beneplacito del hombre.Efraín Arturo Licona Vela.(MEXICO)

Efraín Arturo Licona Vela, Mexico

Thank you so very much for this work. I am homesick for New York having spent 30 years of my life there and miss it terribly....these photos take me "home" again.

Kierstin Shimmel, USA

Spectacular! Nice piano accompaniment, as well.
would like to have been able to zoom in further, especially on the Chrysler building and the Empire State building, so that you could see into some of the offices!
Please correct the title on your bridge picture..It is the Brooklyn Bridge!

Many thanks,

David Minott, USA

Thanks for your message, David.

Varvara, AirPano

Absolutly magnifecent

Sam Farrugia, Australia

i didn't knew all this stuff about manhattan... thanks for sharing this information.

sumeet kolashetti, India

Great to see so many wonderful places. Have you done anything at Niagara Falls at night?

Richard Stonehouse, Australia



cuanto poder tiene la mente del hombre, es ilimitado, para crear semejante maravilla visual. muchas gracias muchachos chao

lidia gladys ramos, Argentina

Thank you. Beautiful work.

Sergio Condeza, Chile

روعه جدااا

azooz s, Saudi Arabia


李志远 13581807481, China

Just unbelievable. Congratulations and thanks !!!

Pablo Mallco, Argentina

Extraordinary. Will save me thousands in airfare since I can now stay home and see more, better from my chair. Your work is truly amazing. Thank you.

Jon Loveless, USA

Thanks. We are glad that you enjoyed this view.

Varvara, AirPano

Thanks. It was an extraordinary. I really enjoyed it.Do you stop?To see the most enjoyable parts of the world around you is beautiful.

hossein shakiba, Iran



永 赵, China

I have never been out of my province,needless to say out of the country,seeing these photos with the music really touch me, which also let me know how big how wonderful the world is, hope someday in the future I can see the scenery by my own. Thank you for the photos and music.

Ying Chan, China

very well,thanks for panorama

afshin pakseresht, Iran

WOW!!! Have lived in NY all my life, but have never seen it like this. Thank you soooo much. Will be looking at more of your photography.

Elaine Lehe, USA

عکسهای بسیار زیبایی بود و خیلی لذت بردم از هنرمندی که آنها را تهیه کرده است نیز تشکر می کنم

msjid Ahmadian, Iran

My most expresive thanks and admiration for such a magnificent, delightful work that all of you have done! Believe! I am so romatic! Listening to that beautiful music and watching the splendid way you play with the camaras, it gives me one of the most romantic and unforgettable moments in life. Too bad my husband is dead. Many thanks!!

Luzstella Perotti, USA

We are happy you visited us and left your comment. We appreciate it.

Varvara, AirPano

this is v good.

ashok kumar, India

For three times I`ve been in NY and my memories are
wonderful! Ursula

Ursula Brosig, Germany

nó là một

Ting Tấn, Vietnam

Excellent!!! I visited NY eighteen years ago and these fantastic pans remind me it. Thank you. Hanka

Hanka Prisovska, Czech Republic

This is a great work you are doing, keep going. I hoppe you have one from Mexico City and Tijuana


Beautiful New York!

john yang, Thailand

we have visited this place during 2010.It's very worth seeing place&we have enjoyed a lot. Thanks for made me having memory of the same.

dhanakoti rao, India

Thank you very much for the opinion left.

Varvara, AirPano


JORGE AQUIN, Argentina

Excelente todo lo que hacen,los felicito!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

horacio goya, Argentina


Gabriele Graizian, Italy


Mangla Pandya, India


istván horvath, Hungary

Hi: I was born in Manhattan in 1927, watched it transform until I left for Los Angeles in 1965. It's unbelieveable how it has changed, your work is fantastic, I'll be studying these photos for many days to reorient myself. I hope to return in the near future to re-experiance my home. Thank you, thank you, for your wonderful gift. Jay Holmes

Jay Holmes, USA

We are grateful, Jay, for you message. FYI, we'll release a new tour over evening and night Manhattan soon. You are invited to view it. Regards!

Varvara, AirPano

So habe ich Manhattan noch nicht gesehen. Einfach super. Herbert

Herbert-Konrad Leonhardt, Germany

It's a very nice work, I like to see the good works like this, please continue.

abdulhakeem Ibrahim, Jordan

You might want to ask Google to support your work. It always amazes me. This time I did a whimsical thing,--I scrolled up to the sky and spun it around. Trippy experience. I particularly enjoyed the long exposure of the bridges at night with the reflections in the water. Color, sharpness, composition. Polarizing filter? ND filter? Or just regular exposure?

Meryl Wieder, USA

Thanks! It was regular exposure for 30sec. No filters.

Varvara, AirPano